Bloomerang Marketing Solutions

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Promoting International Women’s Day - Sunday, March 8

Now is the time when many in the industry take a moment to catch our breath before turning our attention to Mother's Day. But there are some other special days we can take advantage of before that super Sunday in May. In fact, one of the best opportunities is International Women's Day, which takes place this Sunday, March 8.

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a worldwide celebration of social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women with events scheduled across the country and around the world. This year’s theme is #EachforEqual which promotes equality and a gender equal world.

The busiest times in our industry coincide with certain major holidays. We spend weeks – if not months – preparing for a handful of dates that are crucial to the success of our business, but how do we go about approaching the lesser-known holidays, and how can we capitalize on their increasing popularity in relationship to our business?

In the past, most of the holidays that were important to us were primarily traditional national and religious holidays, but times have changed, and technology has us connected us globally like never before.

Social media has boosted the popularity of International Women’s Day, and millions of people who were previously unaware of the holiday or the meaning behind it, are now joining the cause with celebrations or observances of their own. Its growing popularity is gaining a greater following every year.

So, what can you do to promote International Women’s Day and other lesser-known holidays to your customers?

One way is to send out an email with special offers or incentives. Social media posts are another option. There are already trending Twitter hashtags referencing the holiday, and the day even has its own color, purple, and annual slogan. This year’s slogan is Each for Equal.

Be sure to include these elements in your marketing efforts to tie in with the cause. You could also hold a contest and give away purple flowers to promote this holiday.

No matter how you decide to celebrate, it is important to keep up with globally-focus trends such as this. With the right amount of preparation and implementation, they can not only provide the opportunity to increase your bottom line and create additional revenue but can also help solidify your public image as a forward-thinking and progressive business.

If you would like some help with your marketing efforts, Bloomerang Solutions has you covered! We can help with coordinated campaigns to run across platforms to increase your reach and exposure. We can also help with Google Pay Per Click and reputation management to truly help your business bloom! Give us a call today at (941) 806-1911 or drop us a line here.