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Congratulations Stewart Resnick: A Well Deserved Honor For a Man Who Revolutionized Our Industry

My friend and mentor Stewart Resnick was recently honored with the invitation to join the Horiatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans. Membership in this prestigious group is limited to a select group of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, achievement, dedication to their communities, and who have overcome significant adversity to achieve success.

Stewart Resnick

It’s a rigorous selection process, and members are typically accomplished entrepreneurs, business leaders, and other prominent figures who serve as role models for young people. For those who are recognized by the association, membership is a significant honor that recognizes their hard work, perseverance, and success in the face of adversity.

Those words are such a perfect way to describe Stewart Resnick. If you aren’t familiar with him, he has a very nice wikipedia page that describes him as a self-made billionaire and the “richest farmer in the United States.” He’s all of that and more. He’s a genuine down-to-earth person who gives to countless millions to charities and thrives on helping others succeed.

His wiki also describes him as the founder and owner of The Wonderful Company, a privately-held conglomerate that includes brands such as Pom Wonderful, Fiji Water, and Wonderful Pistachios. Perhaps you recognize him now?

One big thing they barely mention is profile is his significant contributions to the floral industry. But what he did revolutionized the entire industry on a worldwide scale.

In 1979, Resnick and his wife, Lynda, acquired Teleflora from The Telegraph Group, a UK-based media conglomerate, and helped grow it to one of the world’s largest floral delivery networks.

Stewart Resnick, center, with wife Lynda, left, and Art Conforti.

Under Resnick's leadership, Teleflora underwent significant changes and growth. The company expanded its product offerings, introduced new technologies, and developed a strong focus on marketing and branding. Resnick also helped to grow Teleflora's membership, bringing on board new florists and expanding the company's reach across the United States and Canada.

What started as a gift for his wife Lynda (Because she loves flowers and gifts) became a support model for florists across the entire continent. Today, Teleflora operates in more than 165 countries and has a network of over 15,000 florists worldwide.

Teleflora: Like Nothing Else in Our Industry

I talk about Teleflora a lot - but I’m not out recruiting florists on their behalf. There is nothing in it for me except for giving back to a company that has given me so much as an entrepreneur over the years. They offer every tool you need to not only become a successful florist, but a successful entrepreneur.

I always say, you can literally put your key in the door, join Teleflora, and have everything you need - along with expert support every step of the way. I don’t know of any other company around today with that goal in mind.

Teleflora is a cooperative organization that exists to support and empower independent florists. By becoming a member of Teleflora's network, florists gain access to a unique range of resources and benefits that can help them to grow and thrive in a competitive industry.

One of the primary ways that Teleflora supports its member florists is by providing a platform for online and phone-based orders. Teleflora's website and toll-free phone number allow customers to easily order flowers from member florists, even if they are located in a different city or state. This can help member florists to expand their reach and attract new customers from outside their local area.

In addition to order processing, Teleflora provides its member florists with marketing and advertising support. The company offers a range of promotional materials, including customized print and digital marketing campaigns, to help member florists promote their businesses and attract new customers. Teleflora also offers training and educational resources, including webinars and conferences, to help member florists stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

Finally, Teleflora provides its member florists with access to a network of like-minded business owners. Through regional and national meetings, member florists can connect with one another, share ideas and experiences, and collaborate on projects and initiatives. This sense of community and support can be invaluable for independent florists, who may otherwise feel isolated or overwhelmed by the demands of running their businesses.

Teleflora provides a platform for independent florists to grow and thrive, offering resources such as online and phone-based orders, marketing and advertising support, training and educational resources, and a community of like-minded business owners.

Teleflora always wants their member shops to prosper. I watched this firsthand and personally saw the excitement of listening to Lynda present to use retail florists her ideas for affordable disposable vases to keep the costs down. They are always looking for a better way and always make sure their fellow member florists are involved.

From president Jeff Bennett to Jack Howard and many 20+ year employees, this is a family that anyone doing business with them is fortunate to be a part of the family. First and foremost, they listen. It's clear they don't have to do this - they love doing it and helping retail. Where else do you this spirit? Thank you Stewart and Lynda, the retail floral industry is a better place because of you!