Waze Mobile Marketing

hyperlocal Location-based gps marketing

As a subsidiary of Google, Waze is one of the world’s largest and most popular GPS navigation software apps that reaches an estimated 130+ million users every month. Based on real-time crowdsourced information, Waze has the ability to direct users to your shop while they are driving nearby.

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What is Waze mobile marketing, and how can it help your business?

Businesses of all sizes advertise on Waze to connect directly with consumers while they’re on the go in order to drive awareness and consideration and turn business locations into destinations. With unique driver-focused targeting and real-time tracking capabilities, Waze has the power to reach consumers across the different contexts of their journey.

Because the audience you’re reaching is drivers, and because they spend so much time driving around the real world using our platform, Waze offers a realistic sample of the places people like to go and the things they like to do.

Insights from Waze can predict driver behavior and help you reach your customers at the most relevant and meaningful in-car moments. These insights show when Wazers are driving near your business, visiting your competitors, or simply going about their daily lives. We can aggregate this data across your business or target audience to show the effectiveness of drivers seeing your locations and ads on the Waze map.

How does Waze work for me?

Waze works by crowdsourcing anonymous, publicly available information including traffic, accidents, road closures, weather hazards, and more to determine the most optimal route.


We will create two versions of your logo, set up the campaign, and manage the distribution and results. Waze works for you. To put it simply, the more you allow it to be shown, the more success you will achieve.

Remember, you will see some orders too, and there is NO additional cost. The focus is viewable impressions.

In my case... If someone was going to the Speedway gas station across from my strip mall, I would appear. As an added feature, you can customize the settings to only appear during select times when you are open and wish to be seen.

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Best of all… You select what action you wish to have occur. Phone call? That would be the 1st (or save for later), You can have them save your URL and your special offers. So if someone is passing by your shop - for any reason - your logo and/offer will appear. They can’t live click to your website, but they can save it.

Example: Someone is driving by and stopped at a light. They notice your name on the map on their phone and they know they need to order for Mother's Day. Instead of doing anything, they simply SAVE the listing and they get it when they are ready to order!

Display Advertising for Search is also available! Waze shows your listings as people drive within 6 miles. There is also a search campaign we can create for you if anyone is searching for your business category (like "florist or restaurant,” etc.).

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You will appear where people look, on maps!

Reserve your Waze listing and increase your visitations and your conversions. Best of all, if you don't - for any reason - make your selected traffic, it just rolls over to the next month. You only pay for impressions.

This will catch on. Don't wait until
your competition is there first.

We have done the research and the work. All you need to do is decide if you want to take advantage of this excellent opportunity. Contact our team by clicking below and let’s get started today!

Waze advertising from Bloomerang Solutions