Turn 2: Secure a Christmas Order When Customers Call for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 23, 2023. Before Thanksgiving orders beginning to pour in, make sure your agents are ready to "Turn 2" by capturing a Christmas order as well. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to pull out one of our favorite sales tools! It's easy and best of all, effective because it offers real value for customers while crossing one extra item off their holiday "to do" list. Watch this brief video (it's less than a minute) to refresh yourself and your staff.

If you have any questions or need any assistance in training your staff on the "Turn 2" technique, your friends at Bloomerang Solutions are here to help you! Give us a call at (941) 806-1911 or drop us a line below. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you "Turn 2" this holiday season!