Stay Safe by Staying Alert for Email Scams

The holiday season is back again - which means more inevitable stories of stolen credit card information and massive security breaches from companies we thought we could trust.

With all the security that currently exists, there are always going to be those who find a way to break through. They want your identity, but it's relatively simple to protect yourself.

Whenever you receive an email, it is particularly important to pay attention to the URL before clicking on anything; forget the subject line or logos you see, that's where the scammers want you to look.

Whoever is getting the Amazon information is sending out emails that read, "YOUR AMAZON ORDER CAN NOT BE SHIPPED." Since most of the world uses or have used Amazon at one time or another, many people will scan this email and click the link to verify the credit card information.

Don't Click that Button!

BEFORE YOU CLICK, make sure to look at the email address and URL. The URL should be; if it isn't, DON'T CLICK because chances are, it's a scam. Once you click the button it may be too late. Below are some examples of the first place you should look for any suspect email you receive.


This holiday season, to be safe is to be aware. Use extra caution and stay vigilant in making sure everything looks right because email scams are getting better all the time. Also remember that if an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is!

The holidays are here and Bloomerang Solutions is here to help! From social media to websites and reputation management to online marketing, Bloomerang will make your business bloom. Give us a call today at (941) 806-1911 or drop us a line below and we will be happy to assist you!
