What is the Value of Upgrading Your Website?

As a small business owner, your website is THE most important marketing tool you have. Unfortunately, most websites are not kept up-to-date and can turn into a liability when they fail to serve the needs of your business and your customers. Is it time to upgrade your website?

Investing in a website for your business is similar to buying a vehicle. There are many different options available, so choosing the right one depends depends on the needs of your business.

And just like a vehicle, a website must be optimally maintained in order to keep performing. The more you take care of it, the longer it will (likely) keep serving your needs.

But just like that trusty old vehicle, time will eventually take its toll on even the most meticulously kept websites. Performance will lag, features will become obsolete and the bloat from years of data and heavy use will make visiting your site a frustrating experience for impatient customers.

After years of service and depreciating value, the day will eventually come when you need to consider a website upgrade. It is not an easy decision to make because of the cost involved, but the value a new website provides to the future of your business may be worth the investment now.

How do I know if it is time to upgrade?

  • Is all the information on your website up-to-date and accurate?

  • Do you (or your customers) find your website hard to use and navigate?

  • Is your site tidy and well organized?

  • Does your site lack essential functionality that customers expect?

  • Are you able to interact with customers in real time on your site?

  • Does your site make it difficult for customers to make orders and complete transactions?

  • Is your site expandable in order to seamlessly grow and scale with your company?

  • Most importantly, does your website accurately represent your business?

If any of these symptoms describe the current state of your website, it is time to consider upgrading. But instead of focusing on cost, consider the value it will bring to your business as you prepare for your future.

A great website is the backbone of any successful business. It not only gives customers (and potential customers) a place to gather information and learn about your business, but it also provides you a medium to show the world what your business is all about and what it can do for your customers.

An optimal new website can also do wonders for your SEO, which helps you rank higher in Google and other search inquiries. In addition to sharing social media with customers and employees alike, a new site can also let you interact with customers in real time, allowing you to resolve conflicts and keep customers informed of in-store events and specials while customers can read and leave online reviews directly on your website.

Are you frustrated with your current website? Bloomerang can find a solution for you! Whether you want power or performance, we can help! Let us take a look at your site for a free evaluation or give us a call today at (941) 544-5000 to get started right now!