Repetitive Emails to Customers Do More Harm Than Good

Email is an incredibly valuable marketing tool that makes it easier than ever to keep in touch with customers. But too much of a good thing can be very detrimental to your marketing efforts. Customers cite an increase in spam emails as their main hesitation for sharing their email address, but many can be easily persuaded to give that information up as long as they are receiving perceived value in return.


The key here is value. As long as your customers consider your email “valuable” because of a coupon or special offer, they won’t mind receiving them occasionally. On the other hand, if your emails offer little or no value to the reader, they will simply start ignoring them.

Once the emails become a burden, they will likely unsubscribe which means they are required to be removed from your email list permanently. You run the risk of this happening with every email you send out, so it is extremely important to know exactly what you’re sending out to customers, and more importantly, how often you are sending it.

If the events of the past few weeks taught us anything, it is that most of us rely way too much on 3rd party platforms to run our businesses and the social media reputations we work so hard to build can be taken away in an instant if the owners of the platform decide your ideas do not align with their own.

This is why Bloomerang Solutions is taking a very forward initiative to help you BUILD and OWN the future of your business communication by building email lists and campaigns that NOBODY can take away from you.

Unless you own your own website (which you do not), you are allowing a 3rd party company (and also a competitor) access to the most precious digital collateral you own, which is YOUR EMAIL LIST!

Stop the insanity!

If you allow anyone to send messages to YOUR CUSTOMERS on your behalf without 100% control, then you are being reckless with your equity, especially if the emails are unwelcome by your customers. To allow emails being sent every two or three days is absurd and to not know your results (and how many people opt-out permanently) after EVERY EMAIL, is once again, a reckless practice.

How can you allow messages being spoken to your customers that you do not control? If you think it is not a big deal, why are you sending it? Email is a VERY powerful tool that (for now) still converts EVEN BETTER than GOOGLE Pay Per Click.

Sending email should be thought out with a conversion expectation. What is the message you wish to present, and how will it come to fruition?

Do you have any idea how many of YOUR CUSTOMERS are waiting the week of a holiday for the first attractive email and offer to place their order?

If they do not receive one, then they may still order with you. But for a simple offer, why not secure the order NOW?

All this for just $300 a month? Your email, your SPECIAL offers and YOUR RESULTS! This is MONEY in the bank for YOU. This is why you NEED to collect email. Now is the time to SECURE and BE RESPONSIBLE for your mailing list.

It's YOURS, no one has the right to use it but you and whomever you allow to use it on your behalf with YOUR APPROVAL. Now more than ever, TAKE CONTROL and NEVER allow anyone to send an email without your approval. IF YOU DON'T you risk OPT OUTS – otherwise known as customers you may never get back again. The cost is just $300 a month. What are you waiting for?